Sunday, 16 January 2011

Gunta Stolzl



  1. O h m y g o s h! I was just thinking about your first pic there the other day!! (Like last Thursday maybe) I saw it in Berlin - but it didn't look anywhere near as bright and colourful as it does in your photo. Do you remember the fabric designed for Liberty in the late 70s (?) which was based upon the same weaving? (Somewhere I have a photocopy of it) My sister had an oilcloth bag in that pattern, I always hoped I'd graduate to it one day... I also once found a set of cushion covers in that pattern in Newcastle. But I wimped-out of buying them as they were expensive... (sigh)

  2. ........ken! I think that fabric's called 'Bauhaus' quite fittingly! Gotta love Gunta next post might be Anni Albers - gearing up for some weaving!!
